Law enforcement chaplains require essential tools to support their community, from books and Bibles to trauma flyers and practical aids like death notification cheat sheets and comforting stuffed animals. Our curated list offers links to these resources, ensuring chaplains can readily access the tools they need to address the diverse needs of those they serve. If there's an essential item missing from our list, we encourage chaplains to reach out so we can promptly include it for comprehensive support


Plus Nothing is a faith-based nonprofit organization determined to get The Life and Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth in as many people’s hands as possible through small books that offer the Gospel in an easy-to-read format. Books are offered in English and Spanish

The goal for the First Responders Bible is to distribute the Bible free-of-charge to the brave men and women who help keep our communities safe on a daily basis. Chaplains can request Bibles as well. These Bibles are provided by the Gallagher Foundation. www.gallaghersheroes.org

Mission First Alliance is a national gospel-focused first responder alliance of organizations, chaplains, churches, individuals, active and retired first responders, and spouses. They offer a comprehensive list of Christ Centered Organizations that understand the First Responder Culture

The Hug Patrol®️ To have a stuffed animal to hold onto in the midst of a tough time can be very beneficial to a child. The Hug Patrol®️ program, allows first responders to easily take along a new stuffed animal to offer comfort to kids involved in traumatic situations. The Hug Patrol®️ stuffed animals are newly purchased, packaged and sized in a way that is consistent and easy to use. Hug Patrol®️ works closely with emergency response organizations to find the best size and packaging requirements for their vehicles. Their goal is to donate new, unused stuffed animals to emergency responders and child advocates so they can provide children with a bit of comfort.
More Free Resources coming Soon

Bibles for LEO is a national gospel-focused first responder alliance of organizations, chaplains, churches, individuals, active and retired first responders, and spouses. They offer a comprehensive list of Christ Centered Organizations that understand the First Responder Culture

Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers The Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers-USA, through biblical truths and its members, cultivates and inspires Christian worldviews, values and actions to enable peace officers to transform their lives, families, organizations and communities with the power of Christ. Through area chapters, they offer Biblical studies to members.
Encouragement for Law Enforcement (Case of 100 Copies Approx $35) Through prayers and Scriptures, Encouragement for Law Enforcement: Put on the Full Armor of God provides significant comfort and peace to our nation’s federal, state, county, city, and campus law enforcement officers (and their families) as they carry out their duty to serve and protect us from harm.
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